"Remember that other people get paid money when they file taxes, because their incomes are lower than yours." Americanthinker.com
Republicans would rather give money away through the government than raise the minimum wage. Look at it this way then Stupid, if people get paid more then the amount given through Earned Income Credit will be less. Republicans you need new leadership.
Awaken the Sleeping Giant and bring back the real Republican Party. 2014/midterm/elections
Yippee! Free government money! Come and get it!
So anxious is the federal government to give away money to lower income people (up to $49k!) that it is buying expensive full page advertising in magazines like Sports Illustrated urging people to take advantage of the "Earned Income Tax Credit" (EITC) program. In the ad reproduced below, the fed shows pennies raining down from heaven (get it? pennies from heaven), so that poor people merely need to put out a vessel of some sort to catch the money.The desperation to spend as much money as possible on taking money from taxpayers and giving it to other people who didn't earn it and who don't pay income taxes is offensive to everyone who works hard, succeeds, and as a result has a bulls eye painted on their pocketbooks.