Sunday, March 3, 2013

State of The Union Blog - Repub;licans must Pay

State of The Union Blog - Republicans must Pay (

$2.7 trillion worth of savings that will occur over the next decade. 2014 Midterm Elections - you cut waste you don't cut meat.

Since the fiscal commission disbanded, Congress and the White House have enacted about $2.7 trillion worth of savings that will occur over the next decade.
The $2.4 trillion in deficit cuts in the new Bowles-Simpson proposal would be made between 2014 and 2023 and come on top of the $2.7 trillion already passed.
Another $2.4 trillion is needed to stabilize the debt and put it on a path to fall below 70% of GDP, according to estimates by the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

We don't need to fall into the trap being set by these money greedy Republicans and Democrats  look:

The total U.S labor force is 153.6 million people. This includes the unemployed.  This also includes the fact that wages have remained stagnate for the past 25 years or so. This does not account for the Thousands entering the work force every month. If we do things to increase wages, the deficit will disappear without any cuts. Our bridges will be sound our future generations will be poised to grab the future and wages will keep going up.

 in china the average wages and salaries are on a climb.[4] while in india the average wages and salaries are increasing at a faster rate.[5] In the united states the average salaries and wages are staying the same and show no signs of increasing.[6kforce

If we cut the way these old guessers say, the feet of future wage and labor growth, will be cut off. We enter a future with bridges falling everyday young people will be unable to compete in the Global Work Force, we end up a nation in peril. The rich will get richer because just as it looks like we are getting out they will cut taxes kill growth and send us back towards another depression. We already did that several times Wake Up.

Look at Texas Rick Perry made deep cuts in education. Now he wants to leave education limping and he wants to give tax cuts. That's what they are up to on a national level. 2014 Midterms Elections  is Our Arab Spring Moment .... Wake up American voter dot com

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